The A word that no one seems to be saying. Being an Atheist is looked at as being the worst possible kind of person. Few can wrap their head around someone not being able to believe in something, or that they haven't found the light. Yet no one also wants to hear their explanation for their beliefs, because they are just some heathen. So here are some things that as an atheist would like you to understand.
1. Do not be upset when you find out about my beliefs.
One thing I really can't stand, and frankly hurts a little is when is when someone asked about my beliefs, I tell them, and they give me the most disgusted look full of judgment and pity
2. Do not counteract my atheism by telling me you'll pray for me, or that god will find me, or invite me to your church.
I am full accepting that you are a Christian, or Muslim, or Buddhist. I don't try and convert you to my beliefs, so don't try and convert to yours.
3. Do not feel bad for me.
Im fine and happy. Being and Atheist isn't a bad thing.
4. Please do not act differently to me.
Im still the same person I was before you new my beliefs.
5. Do not feel betrayed that I didn't tell you right away.
I really don't find it to be a big deal
6. No, that I am not going to try and pull you away from God.
If you believe in him, cool. I honestly do not care enough to try and take that away from you.
7. I do not think that your god is dumb, nor do I think you are dumb for believing in him.
However if you start being a jerk to me about atheism, I will be a jerk right back.
8. No need to tell me I'm going to hell.
I don't believe in it
9. No, I will not go to church with you.
Services make me uncomfortable, I have tried to like them but I just can't.
10. Please respect me and my beliefs.
I respect yours.
To the people who did not know my beliefs, here they are. To the people who don't understand my beliefs, just ask me about them, and I will gladly explain them to you. And to my friends who are so religious that they "could never be friends with an ungodly atheist"... surprise.