My definition of the second-semester struggle is as the ongoing months that the temperature of the weather outside starts to increase, your personal level of motivation to do school work decreases. The second semester is actually the WORST. It’s the time of year where it’s just about time to start packing up everything in your apartment to go home for the summer, except your backpack.
I’m a junior in college which means ya girl only has two semesters left until graduation. Hallelujah. I always start fall semesters off so strong and end so strong, whereas when the spring comes around, I start strong and by the time the end of the spring semester rolls around, I am DONE. Mentally, physically, emotionally DONE. Every year this semester stresses me out way too much. Spring semester is the hardest time of year to keep your motivation because you know summer is literally right around the corner and I am crawling to the finish line.
As the weather starts to get nice and warm, no one wants to be stuck in the library with their nose in a book!
Maybe it’s just me, but my classes not only seem harder in the spring, but I know for a fact they have the harder material to comprehend, learn, and retain in the spring! So not only is this probably my hardest semester to date, but my motivation is at/near 0. This semester is really kicking my ass, tbh. Along with this insanely difficult semester comes an insanely ridiculous stress level. I stress about every single deadline, term paper, quiz, and homework assignment because these are the final weeks to boost that final grade, and therefore increase that GPA!
In all honesty, as low as my motivation is right now, I know I need to step up my game and finish this semester strong AF, as I always do. This might be my hardest semester in college so far but that gives me the drive to finish hard so I can look back and say that I rocked it! I’m the type of person to complain about how “I’m so done” with an assignment but in the back of my head I’m thinking of when and how I’m going to finish it. I have too much of a strong determination for myself and my education to just give up easily.
We know we all lose that motivation during the spring (darty) seasons, but here’s a toast to us all, may we crawl our way out of this motivation-less pit and bring in the high GPA! Here’s to everyone facing the second-semester struggle. And to all the second-semester juniors, how in the hell are we going to make it another two semesters? Good luck to everyone!