For all of my Grand Junction friends who haven't yet been to Studt's this year, I highly recommend it! A pumpkin patch and corn maze, Studt's provides fun for kids during the day, including a small petting zoo and bouncy trampoline tarps. There's a regular corn maze, and a kid's one, too!
There's a third corn maze, though, and it's only open on Fridays and Saturdays from dark (about 8:30 p.m.) to midnight, and 1 a.m. on Halloween. The Dark Acres Haunted Corn Maze is just as thrilling as it sounds; I can confirm that from personal experience!
In total, it's about a 20 minute trek through the fields, punctuated by plenty of jump scares and creepy figures among the corn! There are several shipping containers and shacks - what my friends and I lovingly referred to as the 'murder shacks' - dotted along the route, jam packed with even more frights. I will say, though, if you're asthmatic or have similar respiratory problems like myself, bring an inhaler. The fog machine use is a bit excessive, and I missed most of the frights inside the actual shacks because I was coughing so much.
Tickets are only $12 (though I'm not sure if this is the student price or general admittance) and are on sale until 10 PM every night. There's quite a bit of a wait—to avoid traffic jams and keep the scares fresh, there's a pretty big gap between each group let through. My friends and I waited for over an hour, but don't worry! There's plenty to do while you wait. We enjoyed the giant slide down the haystack a few times and bounced around on the trampolines, then spent some time by the fire pits before getting into the maze itself.
If you're a bit of a scaredy-cat, like me, then I'd recommend going into the maze with at least one other scaredy-cat. At the very least, it will make things infinitely more entertaining for the rest of your friends when the two of you take of running holding hands, screaming the campfire song from SpongeBob at the top of your lungs to try and make the whole thing seem a little less fatal.
So, if you're in the Grand Junction area and are looking for a pleasant day out with the kids or a heart-stopping trip in the dark, go check out Studt's Pumpkin Patch and Corn Maze! You won't regret it!