I’m guessing that as you read this article, some type of noise dominates the background. Perhaps you have music playing, can hear the incessant ticking of a clock, or are now focused on the sound of your own breathing. This noise is our cultural norm, but we need to stop blaming technology. Sure, our technology has made noise more readily available to us, but our technology is not the problem. Our fear of silence is.
I do not think this is something I can change with this article; I do not know if our fear of silence will ever diminish. However, we can try to make ourselves more conditioned to the absence of noise.
Take as much time as you have right now, whether that be 30 seconds or 30 minutes, and sit in silence. Think, pray, do not let yourself become distracted by the noise that is inevitably present. Relish in the freedom of your thoughts. Listen for God’s voice; meditate on that gentle whisper.