When I imagine what heaven looks like, I like to think of it as a nice, comfy bed covered in pillows and my favorite blanket. My angel self would be relaxing there in her robe, curled up and comfortable, watching a show or reading a book. This is my bliss, and also my favorite thing to do when I find myself in the presence of only myself. Also, I’d look inexplicably gorgeous and have a perfect ass.
I’m the type of girl who straight up thrives off of her independence. I see no problem with eating alone or anything of that nature. You can often find me wandering a store all by my lonesome, enjoying everything the world has to offer. While sometimes my anxiety gets the best of me in regards to the arresting fear I sometimes possess when it comes to traveling to new public places, I have my own version of my “greatest hits” of places that I find the most comforting to wander around by myself. The list is as follows (and comes highly suggested to anyone seeking to aimlessly peruse): Home Goods, Goodwill, TJ Maxx, Books a Million, and Hobby Lobby. The uniformity of books and variety of knick-knacks is exceptionally comforting when trying to process the variances of life.
Being alone is my own personal device to charge my batteries. Without this sacred alone time, I turn into a wild bitch who picks fights with each and every person she encounters. It’s my reset procedure, completely necessary in order for me to function at optimal speed.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I do not see people as the “enemy.” Sure, it’s good and fun to joke about hating everyone. Hell, it’s a cliché at this point perpetuated by the Tumblr generation – it’s cool to hate everything, but that is not what this is all about. My alone time is my sacred place to unplug from the world. Interactions can be draining, as can mustering up the façade of acting interested in being a participating member of society. Some days I am just simply not interested. That’s all. And it's on those days that I find myself wandering.
It is my hope that the people closest to me understand my need for time alone. I refer to it most often as “decompression,” simply because this alone times acts as a way for me to slowly unwind the tight, coiled springs that harden up and the days grow longer and as life gets more trying.
I would suggest wandering to any person who feels lost. I also suggest it to anyone who feels fine. Anyone and everyone should learn how to be comfortable when they are just stuck with themselves. You never know what adventures you could find yourself thrown into.