Within this world of endless possibilities and wonders, we are constantly reminded that the only true adversary to our success is ourselves. From what professions we strive to obtain to the lives we attempt to lead, society states that it is all dependent upon the choices that one makes in one's lifetime. This, however, does not speak of the double standard that hangs above humanity's head within our culture and many cultures across the world. While life itself is an adversary to the pursuits and goals one may fancy, it has a partner. Society, the truest paradox of them all, sets limits depending upon our race, sexual orientation, and even our gender.
From the moment one is born with intrinsic characteristics of one idealized binary trait of a sex or another, society begins to dictate what one can and cannot accomplish. These genders of boy and girl, which society states is the only allowances for gender, has it's own specified unspoken rules and laws that all those who fall into said category must follow or face ridicule and ostracization for not behaving according to the "social norms" and thus in lies a majority of the public issues today - the issues of unequal basic treatment for inherent human characteristics, those unable to be dictated or chosen by human hands. For example, women, being the recently liberated (as in the last hundred years) gender, standards and expectations are seemingly insurmountably high. We are expected and pushed to portray ourselves in particular fashions and behaviors to satisfy the mental desires of men. In this lies the most needed-to-be-spoken-about public concern, the topic of consent. The matter of consent is one that is hardly ever spoken of, as it is often pushed aside with hopes of not hearing the arguments made by extreme feminists and angry retorts of those men who believe nothing is wrong with the rape culture in which we live. In not speaking of it, we lack a true societal definition of what consent is and the amount of times the word no must be said before it is taken seriously.
It is my hopes that we will be able to use education to give bring society's, and in essence humanity's, attention to the true definition of what consent is, and that it is an issue that transcends gender boundaries, as both men and women are affected, no matter how dis-proportionally. It is learning new ways of speaking to one another and the fantastic historical foundation in which this issue resides, I hope to finally give a world wide definition of consent so that it may be used correctly and in aid to victims of bullying, peer pressure, and sexual assault.
Consent, while the largest domestic issue within said public concerns, is not the only one. Outcries from lack of equal treatment of races flashes across America's television screens in race to see who could explicitly or inadvertently inform the public first. Many within the public question as to why there are still remnants of an age long past still existing within the social and economic boundaries of the United States. The answer lies within life's dastardly partner, society. Society, all though dramatically shifted from the stance it used to hold, still holds power over humanity's most intrinsic characteristics - the ability to make preconceptions about individuals we have never meet. We are constantly being surrounded by warnings of destructive groups that cause disaster and destruction, generally having them attributed to one particular group of another. Thus we become suspicious of said group itself. It is a vicious cycle.
In accordance with the a changing and developing world, I hope to end such misgivings and public concerns. It may be a lofty goal, however I know that the leadership, service, and research implemented recently will assist in making it possible. For example, research may be used to define what consent is and the means of implementing it more as a natural law than a cultural trend. Such services that are supported may be used to assist those of all groups, providing new experiences and broader horizons to those who may not otherwise be able to see how the many cultures within America work as a cohesive group. However, the crowning factor shall be leadership, as it will take a strong leader and advocate for change to truly create a lasting example of what consent and equal treatment should look like and is exactly the leader one may only hope education teaches its students to be.