Short and Sweet: I had a horrible first semester at college. The why is a bit of a longer story but the important details are what's key in understanding such a change.
The college experience is something I’m positive everyone reads about and even dreams about. It’s supposed to be this awesome thing. That the friendships you make then will be the ones you keep forever.
That’s not true for me. Mine came the first semester
Everything started off great. I was friends with my Suitemates but not my roommate (sadly, but at least we still were good with living together). That only last for about a month until I was turned into enemy number one by one of the suitemates and the other felt too trapped to do anything. Some days I was too scared to even see their faces and it just made everything super uncomfortable. I didn’t really have friends to turn to either. I’m the type of person who’s not so great at making friends so I would pretty much only have one at a time and they’d stay around for about a month and a half before I realized I didn’t really want to deal with them anymore.
I spent my first semester alone. But that’s all changed.
All because of my new roommate. My old one decided to leave and room with friends so I got “stuck” with the girl who was supposed to live in that spot. But considering how much I didn’t care for my old one it was more of cheering and yelling and me running around the house saying how happy I was. And honestly, that feeling hasn’t left me yet. I finally get to experience that roommate bond with someone. But not just anyone. This is a friend, a best friend. My roommate has been there for me like I can’t even believe. As soon as we started talking between break I could tell we had a lot in common. Most importantly our love for DONUTS!!
This semester hasn’t been easy and I’ve been honest with her and she has been so supportive. She knows I have trouble sleeping quite often so if she doesn’t sleep in the room I’ll get texts from her saying if I need anything just text her and she says good night and I love you. It’s so simple but it brings me comfort and I’m able to sleep. She truly is an amazing human and is the reason I am writing to you today.
I’m still not on good terms with that one suitemate (honestly, they’ve gotten way worse), but the other has become a huge support as well. She has become an inspiration to me, they both have. Besides them I have a best friend who’s lasted way longer than two months now and does everything she can to always make sure I’m eating and doing my homework. She most certainly is my college mom. I don’t know where I would be without “The L Trio” group chat or “mom." But that’s not what’s important.
The important thing to remember is that everything gets better with some time. It just helps to have your saving grace be your roommate. If you're going through a rough time, I have one thing to say to you........Hang in there folks. You got this.