The word "rich" is one of the most misused words in today’s world.
People can be riding down the road and see a brand new car, or a huge house in a neighborhood, and immediately say that whoever owns it is “rich.”
For a long time, that was my perspective. That's all that I ever envisioned being in my life and all I wanted when I grew up and I know that a majority of people can say that was their mindset. I mean, when you grow up in a society where all people are interested in is money, it’s hard not to.
“Who's getting the newest phone?”
“Who's getting the newest car?”
That's all you hear.
But what if I told you there was a different way of getting rich? What if I told you that you can be just as rich and be just as happy?
In life, if you want something or someone, you build a relationship and work your way up the ladder, and ultimately get to the point where you are content with where everything’s at. That’s a general understanding of the world.
However for me, getting rich as a Christian is different.
Growing up in church, I was there every Sunday and I participated in everything that I could find. I was a young child and honestly, I went because it was fun and I got to see my friends.
It wasn’t until my freshman year of college that I realized the effects that knowing Christ, but not taking action, could have in your life.
When you’re away from home, it’s easy to get caught up in the materialistic ideas you see on a college campus. Alcohol, parties or whatever it may be. It drags you away from where you actually stand.
For me, it was tough. As a student, you get caught up in your surroundings and next thing you know, two weeks go by and you haven’t thought about God once and for me, I verbally asked myself “what in the world am I actually doing.”
I was losing my wealth and didn’t know where to turn.
But that’s when you see the beauty of loving the Lord.
See, being rich doesn’t involve money for me. I got to college rich in God’s word and less than a month later, it’s like I’m a different person. Where do you turn?
Well, I turned back to step one.
To Christ.
See, Christ has a love that never fails, and never gives up on you.
As a Christian, repairing what you’ve lost is amazing. No amount of money can compare to what having a relationship.with God can do for you.
I’m rich through what he’s done for me and continue to gain wealth each and every day.
As I said previously, building something takes time and you go up the escalator until you reach that peak. The best part about getting rich with Christ? The escalator continues to go up and you can never stop knowing him and growing with him.
I’m a believer.
I’m a Christian.
I am the richest man alive.