Admittedly, world fashion is hard to fathom at certain times and this is surely one of those times. The rubberized shoe that took the world by storm suddenly has become a staple on college campuses across the nation. And yes, has even hit the runway - bringing a fresh perspective on what it means to be comfortable. That’s right, we’re talking about Crocs!
Crocs have been around since 2002 and were originally marketed as a boating shoe staple and later, in 2006, the company obtained a patent that prohibited any other companies from developing a shoe with their similar breathable technology. Of course, as it’s true for any good idea, there were some unoriginal creations of shoes that strikingly resembled the famous Croc style.
Strategically, the Croc company set out to market these shoes as comfortable footwear suitable for almost any occasion! Whether you are throwing on a pair of shoes to run to go get groceries, or spending a day at the beach, Crocs will definitely bring your the comfort and convience you desire.
Now, you may be thinking, what on earth made this silly looking shoe go global? No one really knows. The Croc Craziness has stemmed from several different outlets that have opened doors for self expression.
via"> GIPHY
Let's be real, people rave over whatever they can get their hands on just so that they have something to rave about... even I am guilty! But sporting this style has quickly become a status symbol, not only about ones lack of care to go against the flow, but being a trendsetter at large.The recent Croc runway debut attest to this! Check out some of the photos that perfectly represent how the footwear is versatile and unique. For Heavens sake, this is a Balenciaga, high fashion, runway show! I think it's safe to say that Crocs have officially transcended all boundaries.
It does not stop here! Crocs have taken over college campuses across the globe - no lie. They're even being lumped in with famous leisure brands like Chaco, Uggs, Rainbows and more. Is part of it due to convenience? I suppose, but people are wearing them, and that can be credited to both great marketing and good timing (and some luck, of course.)
Just recently, the Croc company has been in a lawsuit over their infamous patent. Viewers wonder why they are willing to fight so hard to maintain the integrity of their 'ugly brand', and with still no answer from the CEO, Andrew Reese, I think it is safe to say we won't be getting one.
The point here is, this famous footwear is not going away anytime soon. Are you on board the Croc revolution? Get onboard! Don't miss out.