Eye-opening moments are unforgettable, impactful events in a person's lifetime; I had my moment when my friend and I volunteered at the local retirement home in 2017. The five senior citizens we assisted at the facility were Alzheimer's patients. Katie, an Alzheimer's patient, and her husband, Bill intrigued me the most. Katie was a friendly woman, and her husband was a caring man who stayed to take care of his wife. Bill spoke to me of how they have been married for fifty years, inseparable since high school. He told me that he would never leave Katie's side— even though she couldn't recognize his face now— because she brought him something he could not buy: happiness. That day made me realize that I had to stop worrying about the small things in life and focus on the bigger picture—spending quality time with loved ones and pursuing my goals and passions.
SportsOct 30, 2018
The Retirement Homes
Eye-opening moments are remembered throughout one's lifespan as they hold an important aspect of our life. Whether it's a fond memory of meeting one's role model to a daunting challenge that cannot be forgotten, these moments are like rare gems collected and kept forever.