In the face of fascism, we stand in solidarity. We are The Resistance, a group of people who ultimately want peace but will not stand in silence as our country goes backward. In contrast to Trump's recent "Muslim ban," we believe no human being should be treated differently on the basis of ethnicity, religion, or any other variable.
While we desire peace, it is that very desire that drives us to fight for equality. There is no peace without equality; there is only appeasement. I would like nothing more than to come together as a country, but I will not stand by silently as our rights are being taken away. We have to call Trump what he is― a fascist, evidenced by his intolerant right-wing authoritarian leadership style. I will not appease fascists.
True peace is not merely the absence of tension; it is the presence of justice. ―Martin Luther King, Jr.
Washington D.C., January 27, 2017
Without justice, there can be no peace. He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. ―Martin Luther King, Jr.
This is not a time to stay silent. This is not a time to unify with those who want to oppress us. This is a time to stand up for what you believe in. This is a time to exercise your first amendment rights on the American soil that they were founded. This is a time to open your hearts to friends and strangers. This is a time to hold nothing back.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; January 26, 2017
In response to the women's march, I have heard people say that women have all their rights in America, and we should be concerned about women in other countries. The women's march was not just for women in America but for all women, and to a further extent, for all people. The women's march was just the start as protests continue to erupt all over the world. Trump's recent "Muslim ban" sparked the most recent set of protests.The resistance is growing. We will be heard.
I am still proud to be an American where we have so many freedoms that others do not. We are still the land of the free, and we are the brave. My love extends beyond my country and to humanity. My heart is with those who have suffered injustice. My heart is in the resistance.
There are ways you can help keep the dream of equality and justice alive.
Countable App - Contact Your Reps
Fax Your Senators Online
Resistance Manual
Indivisible Guide
What Do I Do About Trump?
Not Up For Grabs
Oh Crap! What Now? Survival Guide
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Tracking Congress in the Age of Trump
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New York City, New York; January 29, 2016