Like many, I consider myself a Republican and identify with the GOP. As we know this July Donald Trump officially became the party’s nominee. For many of us, we had other first choices that we would have been much happier with, but nonetheless, we managed to back our candidate to keep others out of the White House. Throughout the Trump campaign, he has said some controversial statements; he even started his campaign with a statement on immigration that caught the attention of many. As we have gotten close to November 8th, election day, it has become more evident that Trump does not represent the views of the Republican Party. I find myself embarrassed that he is the face of our party yet is not an accurate reflection of the party.
I can not vote in this election. During the term of whichever candidate is elected, I will grow out of my teenagehood and become an adult. Leading up to this election, young people have been incredibly involved through social media, phone banking, working on campaigns, and being involved with organizations. Despite not being able to vote we care, we care about our future. Here are now, finally close to the voting age and the two major party nominees are less than ideal.
What do we do after four and maybe eight years? The Republican party will have scars. A scar that people will forever associate the Republican party with Donald Trump. A scar that will affect any other candidate that will run with the GOP. The Trump supports have become tuned to a certain level of views that differ greatly from the establishment. What’s going to happen when a new candidate runs; a candidate that hold strong grassroots, establishment views? These are the candidates that represent the Republican party but when people become accustomed to this outside it will be difficult to go back. This division will hurt us.
Where will we go when this election is over and we have a new president? We will continue the good fight. We will continue to fight for secured borders, the lives of unborn babies, the second amendment, capitalism and free markets and many other things. We will make change, a difference for people. We will vote for candidates that propose the change we want to see. We will run for elected positions. We will become active with organizations. It is important that we do not let this election or the candidates define us.
Despite all that has occurred, I am still proud and happy to be a Republican. It is reassuring that there are young people that care for our future. There are amazing organizations that spread what we believe in. We will continue to fight for what we believe in and we will never be silenced. I’m proud to be a Republican, and I will continue to fight the good fight.