I had planned on writing a long article about how upset I am about the election.
How the people in America now fear for their lives if they do not fit the “white American status quo”.
How for myself and so many other women who have been either sexually harassed or assaulted, it is a slap in the face, because no matter how hurtful, abusive and degrading the language and actions of a powerful man are, he will not face any of the consequences.
I was going to talk about how deeply impacted I am because of this blatant act of sexism, and that despite the fact that Hillary Clinton is the most qualified candidate for presidency this country has ever seen, Trump still won because when all is said and done, people are still afraid of having women hold any status of high power.
And although these are my thoughts and feelings exactly, I am still too hurt and emotional to write it's effects.
What I will say is this. In the past two weeks, we have seen more hate crime than ever before. On our La Verne campus alone, both students and faculty, including our very own Dean, have been victims of racial comments, slurs and actions.
This has become a problem much larger than the line between the two parties. This has become bigger than one man who is now the leader of our country. Because although he has helped form this divided nation, he is not solely responsible for these acts of hate.
This is now a matter of goodness. Whether we can be human enough to start treating our neighbors with kindness instead of judgement.
It is a matter of courage. Whether we can stand up to the hate that we witness, instead of thanking God it is not happening to us.
It is not a Republican problem. It is not a Democrat problem. It is a problem with humanity.
We have let judgement and fear control our minds, instead of letting love control our hearts.
Maybe you do not agree with me.
Maybe you are someone who thinks it is all Trump supporters who are causing the chaos.
Maybe you are someone who thinks it is all of us liberals who are whining 20-year olds who cannot simply "get over it".
And at this point, I think all of us are unfortunately too fr gone to ever truly change our minds about it, but we must all agree that,
This. Has. Got. To. Stop.
We cannot have children go to school in fear that they will come home and find that their parents were taken away.
We cannot have children go to school, afraid to get called out for the color of their skin or their gender identity.
We cannot have adults go to work, the store or a restaurant and be fearful of someone attack them out of the blue.
We cannot have women afraid to be alone in public, nervous for their own safety against men who think they have the right to "have their way with them".
And we definitely not have Muslims register, as though they are sexual offenders, just because of their religion of choice.
These acts of discrimination are both the cause and effect of our fear, and it is truly eating us alive.
So no matter what party you affiliate yourself with, do what you can with the voice that you have, to spread kindness in this world.
Do what you can to make those around you feel welcome, even if it is a stranger you will never see again.
There are people around you everyday, who will encounter hate and bias against them, so do what you can to make at least that moment a good one for them.
Be someone that people feel safe being around, and not afraid to stand next to.
And most of all please remember that every single one of you has value and worth beyond measure.
Each of you has a purpose far greater than any election could ever measure for you.
This includes liberals, Bernie supporters, Hillary supporters, the very far left, the "as-left-as-they-get".
This also includes the conservatives, the Trump supporters, the rightest wings of them all, the mightiest rightiest.
We all have good things ahead of us that in no way shape or form have anything to do with the outcome of this election.
But we also have good and bad things ahead of us that are in direct correlation to this election.
The one thing I know for sure though is that each and every one of us is strong and worthy of the fight.
So keep fighting. Whoever you are and for whatever you stand for.
Every single voice deserves to be heard and listened to.
I for one, have been inspired by this election to use this platform that I have to use my voice as loudly, poetically and eloquently as I can.
I hope you all can find your platform and your voice.
I hope this next week treats you all a little kinder.
Love to you all.