You know what one of my favorite things to do is? Watch people cook. Oh yeah. I just love it. The feeling when you see pork chops frying in a pan. Or when you see a fresh baked pizza with melted cheese and sausages on top? Yeah, you guys know what I’m talking about. If you haven’t caught on yet, I’m a major food activist. When I say I love food, I mean I really, REALLY love food! But some people just don’t get my love for food. I get questions all the time like, “Derrick how can you eat so much?” or “Damn Derrick, I don’t get how you can love food so much”. Now, my first reaction when someone says something like that is "mind your damn business," but since people want to be so damn nosey I said what the heck. Let me tell you why I love food so much.
You ever watch Kenan and Kel? You know how excited Kel got every time he saw orange soda? Well, needless to say that’s how I am when it comes to food. When the aroma of something good hits my face, I can’t help but get lost in my own fantasy where I’m in food heaven surrounded by my favorite foods. I want to leave but they persuade me to stay by saying, “Stay with us Derrick! Forever!” Something about food just makes me feel all good inside. Either that or it’s my stomach telling me to get to the nearest bathroom. Plus, how can I say no to pizza for god’s sake! It’s pizza! Ever since I was a kid, I loved being around food. I was raised in a household with my mom and my great grandmother. They loved to cook and every time one of them was in the kitchen I was in the kitchen right beside them. I can remember it like it was yesterday, I could see my grandma frying her crunchy fried chicken and my mom making her delicious lasagna. Those were the days.
Now, although I love food, I’ll admit food has served to be my downfall in the past. I’m not going to lie to you: I used to be fat. Not just any fat either. I used to be Rerun off of “Good Times” fat. When I was younger, I loved food so much that I would sometimes overeat. If I would get full off of 2 slices of pizza, the pizza in the box would be calling my name saying, “Don’t punk out now Derrick, finish me. DO IT.” I was the kid to finish his food before everyone else and then ask someone, “Are you going to get that last piece of chicken off your plate?” Yeah, I was that kid. But luckily for me, as I got older I grew out of my chunky stage and got slimmer. Plus over the years I learned how to control my portion sizes on my plate so I don’t get out of hand. When I got to college I started going to the gym more as well. I mean, I never wanted to get big, but I just wanted to exercise enough to keep the weight from coming back. There you go. You happy now?! That’s why I love food. Now don’t ask me why I love it ever again. I ain’t gonna say it no more (Birdman voice). Peace