Having an anxiety attack is way worse than you would expect if you have never experienced it before. They appear rapidly out of nowhere! Seriously you can be laughing and socializing with friends one minute and the next you are hyperventilating.
My mind spins spontaneously in different directions with shortness of breath. Fear heavily drapes upon my shoulders making it feel impossible to carry. At times, dizziness follows due to the hyperventilation. I'm trapped with feeling entirely helpless with not knowing when the pounding worries will lessen. Everything inside me tenses strongly with desperation to curl up in a ball and wait until the attack has done its effect.
You want to be still but everything feels so jittery. Though you know there will be an end to the surprise attack, you don't know when it will come to ease. You don't know how terrifying these episodes can be until you experience it yourself.
The first thing I try to do is play soothing music. Worship songs are the best thing for me, personally, since I'm not able to walk. Every chance you receive, try to inhale slowly and then exhale. Piles of worry relentlessly try to stack up inside of you which causes the pain. Each deep breath calms you down. Eventually, you'll become peaceful and at ease with relief overtaking you that it's over.