One thing that we have in common, see
It’s the continuous love of reality
From having the alarm jolt you awake
To seeing the dinner on your white paper plate
It’s the little things that make life easier to withstand
Like getting great shows On-Demand
In this adventurous era of technology
It's getting harder to see the persistency
Of the slow waves similar to those on a foggy gray day
One thing we have in common, see
Is this dire need...
To be important, to make a difference
Whether it be horrendously big or teeny tiny
Sometimes our goals get clouded by the society in which we live
Our society has made
Getting likes on instagram or retweets on twitter
More important to some than family or friends,
But when did this begin?
When did we start putting social media first?
Social Media has become dark and dingy like a cave
That we seem to crave the attention of others, that we don’t even know
We all seemed to be cursed with this blue, influential screen,
That our mental health has gone awol,
So much so that our teens bawl and call
In the depths of the night that no one hears them
And instead of creating positivity we seem to project negativity
So forcefully that our teens end up stiff
Take a step back and realize what we have in common
Is not the amount of friends on Facebook but the love we share
And how much we care for those small goals