There are many preconceived stereotypes that people have about sororities. Sure, most of us love Starbucks coffee and have the most perfect littles on God's green Earth, but we aren't all cut from the same cloth. We realize that a lot of these ideas are meant for laughs, but sometimes they can be so out there that the hilarity escapes me. Let me debunk these stereotypes for you.
1. Myth: "Chapter is an organized ritual with pertinent information."
Reality: "Everyone stop talking!"
2. Myth: "You will only be friends with the girls in your sorority."
Reality: You meet all sorts of friends in college and not all of your friends will be in your sorority. You'll meet friends outside the house from living in the dorms, classmates, attending sporting events, studying at the library, clubs, and getting involved!
3. Myth: "You have to look put-together all the time."
Reality: Thank you dry shampoo and baseball caps.
4. Myth: "Sorority girls just want to party and go out all the time."
Reality: Academics are taken seriously. We have a good balance of being social and doing well in school. The Greek community has a higher GPA than those who do not join a sorority of fraternity. Sororities also have grade requirements.
5. Myth: "You only talk to and care about boys."
Reality: Topics of conversation are 40 percent, "Can someone send the menu for the week?," "What's for lunch/dinner?," "Can you make me a late plate?" Then 60 percent boys...
6. Myth: "Sorority girls are all fake."
Reality: A sorority is full of diverse women with different backgrounds that have their own hobbies, goals, and interests.
7. Myth: "Sororities are materialistic."
Reality: We're college students and let's be real, $20 can benefit us more on the weekends than a designer handbag.
8. Myth: "Dependent on friends."
Reality: Yes, being in a sorority means that you have friends to do things with, but you start to be more independent in college. You learn how to do things on your own, you decide your own major and involvement with your school, and discover new interests. Plus, everyone needs alone time.
9. Myth: "Preppy."
Reality: Everyone dresses differently. I don't wear pearls, Lilly Pulitzer, collared shirts, and Sperry's to class every day. Most days I am comfortable wearing leggings, a t-shirt, and sneakers with a hat on. A majority of us I would say just want to wear something comfortable.
10. Myth: "You'll only date a guy in a fraternity"
Reality: Any girl will date a guy that they like and that doesn't mean that guy is in a fraternity.
11. Myth: "Philanthropies are just for show."
Reality: All sororities have a philanthropy. Philanthropies aren't just for show. They are enjoyable experiences every year where it gives awareness about an issue that brings communities together. It is fun to make a positive impact and a difference in someone else's life. You meet amazing people that impact and make a difference in your life as well.