As I enter the fall semester of my junior year everything starts to become real. The pressure of really focusing on my future begins to seem unbearable. The reality that a year from now I will be entering the fall semester of my senior year, the year that leads you in to the rest of your life, has slowly begun to hit me.
The thought of finishing school forever and entering the real world is pretty terrifying, but I have come to the realization that it doesn’t have to be. The beginning of the rest of my life is ahead and that leads to a world of opportunities. It is my time to create my life as an adult and I could not be more excited. Soon I will be living in my own place, working a real job, making my own rules, creating my own fun and generating my own agenda that I am able to have complete control over. My whole life has been a continuous realm of guidelines and pre-conceived ideas, and I am ready for all of that to end.
These next two years of my life are so important because it is where I truly begin to find myself, but at the same time it is okay if I don’t. The future is not something to be worried about because you have control over what you want to make of it. If you are constantly stressing out about what you are going to do with your life you are going to look back on your college years and realize that you wasted what is supposed to be the best 4 of years of your life. It is time to stop worrying about what is ahead and live in the moment because life is infinitely unpredictable.
There is never a time where you truly know what is going to happen next. Life is full of surprises and it is always going to be that way but that is what makes life so exhilarating. We are living a constant of good and bad and scary and lovely and beautiful. Every second of our lives is considered the future and I am ready to take on what life throws at me and you should be to. Here is to the beginning of the rest of our lives.
As Hannah Montana once said, “life is what you make it so let’s make it rock.”