Ever wondered how much a "YouTuber" or YouTube content creator makes?
There has always been a debate on how much "YouTubers" garner based on their Google AdSense Revenue Share. Heck ,there have been other articles that have been written about this subject on multiple occasions, yet there seems to be a bit inconsistencies on the people who theorize it, versus the people who actually get paid for it.
For instance, in an article written by Penna Powers, a marketing firm that's based in Utah, they made a solid case that YouTubers earned roughly $18 per 1,000 views on their videos. The basis on this was that advertisers were charged $.18 per view on a video. A view for the advertisement is counted when it reaches the threshold of 30 seconds. Based on their statistics, only 15 percent of 1,000 viewers would actually watch the entire ad, resulting in 150 paid views. Multiplying those paid views with the $.18, this amount is equated to $27 that advertisers would be charged for that amount. Based on the Google AdSense Revenue Share policy, YouTubers should receive 68 percent of that amount, hence why they should earn $18 for every 1,000 views.
Surprisingly enough, they actually earn much less than that amount.
According to multiple YouTubers, they actually earn an average of $1 for every 1,000 views. McJuggerNuggets, who is well known for his work on the "Psycho Series," informed his viewers on how the metrics work, which is summarized here in a few points:
1. You will earn money as soon as you achieve 1,000 views
2. Your earnings are on a monthly basis, so you are paid based on the total amount of views you had that month.
3. You earn between $.66 - $2 for those 1,000 views.
As you can imagine, it's a lot more complicated in regards to the actual AdSense Revenue Shares that YouTubers receive. However, with that being said, it sure puts a lot into perspective for the amount work channels has to do to build up to that point where they can make a sustainable income from the site.
But it just goes to show that there are possibility and investment with this powerful social media tool.