Halloween Weekend has passed, our costumes are rolled up in a ball and stashed in the corner of our closets, and we can't look at another bite sized candy bar for at least another month. The time has come to transition our lives from hayrides, halloween movies and pumpkin spice lattes to snow angels, Christmas movies and hot chocolate! The best time of the year is approaching and there are a few things we all do during this wonderful transition from fall to winter.
Blare The Christmas Music
I'd be lying if I said I didn't already start listening to Christmas music weeks ago. Michael Buble never disappoints and there's nothing quite as comparable to turning on some festive music on a cold day.
Break Out The Coats
Parkas on parkas on parkas. It's too cold for a simple vest now, and we definitely need to take a trip home to gather up our long down jackets and scarves. These are essential for on campus walking, unless you like being whipped in the face by cold air.
Stock Up On The Holiday Candles
Our pumpkin spice and caramel pecan candles are dwindling on their last leg. It is inevitable to take a trip to Bath and Body Works, and take advantage of those 2 for $20 deals. Christmas scents are the best scents no doubt.
So there is this holiday in between Halloween and Christmas that I always seem to forget about because I'm just too excited for December 25th. Thanksgiving is the best day for giving thanks, being with your family, and lots and lots of delicious food. Most of us will come back to school with a small food baby from the hectic weekend of eating and never stopping.
Black Friday
The day after Thanksgiving should be a holiday all on its own. Sales on sales on sales, and we are all taking advantage of them. Most of the time I never even have a plan of action, I just hop from store to store trying to find the best deals.
Stack on the blankets because the temperature is dropping. I find myself with at least three blankets over me when the temperature drops below 50. Nothing is quite as nice as being a snuggled up burrito on a cold day.
Our halloween costumes were iconic, we enjoyed our time, but we are on to bigger and better things. The winter time is coming, and honestly I can hardly wait.