There really is no place like New York City. From the 212 to across the bridge in the 718, New York City is home to some of the greatest treasures in this world (myself included, of course). But when you've lived here your entire life, you know that the real New York is nothing like how the movies portray it. Sure, we have glitz and glam, but have you ever taken the subway on a hot summer day during rush hour? The Concrete Jungle can really feel like a jungle sometimes.
1. The Commute and Commuters
First of all, between unfortunate subway cars without air conditioning and trains being delayed because of "train traffic," getting around can be a major hassle. Not to mention the ridiculous people you'll encounter on your commute. You wouldn't believe the amount of people who have preached to me that today is judgment day or have tried to get me to check out their mixtape.
2. Crossing the Street
Thought you knew how to cross the street without holding Mommy or Daddy's hand? Guess again. If you don't walk at the right time, at the right pace, a yellow cab will flatten you like that piece of gum you probably just stepped on. I've had my license for about two years, and I can't imagine ever driving in the city. But like who even has a driver's license in the city anymore?
3. Tourists
4. Holidays suck
Not only is New York flooded with tourists during the holiday season, but it's also your cup of tears when you realize that the chances of a picturesque white Christmas are slim to none. I have so much respect for the people who camp out for days just to be up close when the ball drops, but in 20 degree weather, I'd rather just count down from my room and drop a ball from the top of a shelf at midnight. I mean, it's pretty much the same effect, right?
5. Free NYC Trip Sweepstakes
Have you ever noticed that those really cool sounding sweepstakes usually include a trip to New York City? A free trip seems awesome, right? Yeah, if you don't already live here.
6. Cost of Living
Rihanna spoke the truth when she said "All I see is dollar signs." The cost of living in New York City is incredibly high and continues to rise every day. Chipotle burritos are the most expensive in New York state. And on top of that, I still I have I to pay extra for guac, too?! That just ain't right.
7. New Jerseyans aren't New Yorkers
There's nothing worse than a person from New Jersey thinking they're from New York. Don't worry, we real New Yorkers will gladly draw you a map and guide you back home.
8. Everything's Better Here
Everyone thinks New Yorkers are always in a rush and are stuck up. Well, yeah, because we have very important stuff to do and everything IS better in New York. Just take a look at our architecture, entertainment, and obviously, our people.
9. High Expectations = Disappointment
While ATL has its perks, living in New York has given me unreasonably high expectations for things like food and, dare I say, public transportation. Every time I leave New York, I need to prepare myself for actually needing to have a car to go anywhere or paying more than a dollar for a slice of pizza.
10. Flawed, But It's Home
It's loud, it's crowded, and it's crazy. But will I ever leave this jungle? Fuhgeddaboudit. I will gladly pay way too much to live in a closet in Brooklyn and listen to your "fire mixtape" on my subway commute if it means I get to continue calling New York City my home.