In college I found myself to be the truth beautiful black goddess that I am. It is amazing how many people want to avoid you when you find your worth. It is also amazing how they want to tear it down. The reality of being a woke individual about your culture and the social injustices that face your community is that people are afraid because you have called them out on their faults. They become upset because they realize that you see the differences between them and you. Woke people are scary, because they are always ready to fight injustice. So, here are the things I have learned since I have become woke.
1. People Mistake You Being Woke For Being Angry
When I am sharing knowledge it is because I want you to not stay ignorant. I only become mad when people tell me that their education is more accurate than my experience.
2. You Have To Dismiss Ignorance On The Regular
I have realized that some people do not want to be educated. Sometimes you just have to give up and let them find out for themselves.
3. You Get An Overwhelming Confidence and Appreciation For Yourself
I have learned to love myself unconditionally. I know my strengths and my flaws are just what make me unique. I love life and most importantly I love my life! With being woke comes a new found confidence and appreciation for your heritage and who you are as a person.
4. Sometimes Men Are Turned Off By Your Knowledge
A lot of men are either intimidated or just not feeling it, but realize it is not you. They will catch up to your greatness some day and you do not have to settle for less. Wait for your prince/princess.
Friends come and go and so do other people. Your parents will be so happy that you are finally identifying your history, your struggle, and your glow up. Being woke should not be taken lightly because it is a gift. The reality is that life.