Deciding to transfer is a hard decision to make in general. You have to think of how it is going to affect your academics, your social life, and of course your parents financial situation. Transferring for me was a hard decision. There was nothing that I disliked or hated about my school, I just knew in the long run it would be a better move for me. Although the transfer process was way harder than I thought.
First off, I did not know how difficult it was to get my credits to transfer. Even though some of the classes were almost identical there were little things that made them not count towards one another and that was a very difficult thing to understand. The fact that I would have to waste my time and my money on a course I took at my other institution was very discouraging. Aside form the credits not being able to transfer over, having difficulty trying to even get in classes was another struggle within itself. Having no idea what the teachers were like or where the classes were in relation to each other, and registering for classes after every single student who went there already registered was another thing that made me more frustrated.
Besides the struggles of figuring out classes and your new living situation, the hardest part for me personally was saying bye to my friends. When you are on a team you automatically have twenty plus people that you know you can rely on. Having to see those same twenty plus people for at least 2-3 hours a day everyday you create really close bonds. Realizing that you are not going to be there to share the laughs, the tears, and everything in between is a sad realization. You will not be seeing the same people you see out every weekend or the people who you walk past in between classes. Making such close relationships and then leaving is a devastating thing. The thought of having to remake those connections and those people who you were with all day everyday not being there anymore is something that I still cannot get my head around. My friends to me are special, and friendship is something I value so much in everyday life. It’s going to be hard to be by myself and start all over. As a transfer you obviously have those second guesses and the times where you doubt yourself and the decisions that you make.
Transferring is hard, do not let anyone tell you it isn't. You have to make sacrifices and get readjusted all over again. You feel like a freshman again in a new place and environment. You have to immerse yourself into friendships that have already been established for a couple of years and you have to realize that you are not in the same place anymore and that things are going to be different. Although at the end of the day the decision has been made, and the down payment for the school has been paid. Theres nothing else you can do then just hope everything is going to turn out okay. I am nervous, I am scared, I am anxious, but I am ready.