There's a lot of fear out there, a lot of confusion, disbelief, worry - a lot of emotions actually - regarding Donald Trump's winning of the presidency.
There's reason to be shook and shocked. Every major poll had Clinton winning, and some had her winning by large margins. And Trump has had ugly, disgusting and offensive moments this campaign. He made fun of a disabled reporter. He said women should be punished for having abortions and called pregnancy "bad for business". He dissed Vietnam Veteran and fellow Republican Arizona Senator John McCain for being captured in the war. May I remind you that the man cannot lift his arms above his head because of the torture he endured in Vietnam as a prisoner of war. Policy-wise, Trump has suggested that South Korea and Japan should be able to obtain nuclear weapons.
There is reason for concern.
But I have to be frank. Trump alone is not as bad as some think. If nothing else, he will negotiate. It's what he's done his whole life.
The real problem and fear should lie in the other election results of November 8, 2016. Republicans will control both the House of Representatives, led by Speaker Paul Ryan, and the Senate, led by Paul Gazelka. What does this mean?
Theoretically, with Republicans controlling both the legislative and executive branches, Trump could get free rein for at least 2 years. If everyone voted on party lines, which there is no guarantee that that would happen, any bill Trump proposes to Congress or any bill Congress proposes to Trump would be passed without a check. Now of course there will be Republicans who could disagree with a specific piece of legislation and vote it down - just like there are current Democrats who do not always vote for Obama legislation - but the thought of a majority for one party in all three parts can be frightening. Our concept of checks and balances could be thrown out, with the exception of the Courts.
But speaking of the Supreme Court, Trump could nominate a conservative justice and get it approved fairly easily by the Senate who would potentially side more with Trump's conservative pick. Now the thought of a conservative-leaning Justice is not all that bad - we need balance on the court. But it is the fact that conservatives could dominate all bills being proposed and passed AND the court to uphold those same laws. Could Republicans do anything they want at this point? Sorta. But the thought is scary and un-American.
Before everyone reading this gets angry at "the system", let us be clear: Democracy worked in this presidential election and all the congressional elections. The people voted and spoke. This is what we got. It's not right or wrong, but it's what we voted on and who we voted in. Clearly this country favored Republicans in 2016 - potentially as a backlash to an economically stagnant 8 years under Obama and a corrupt Democratic nominee. Ultimately the country was starving for change. And boy, did we get it.