We all know how it is when we are walking around campus absolutely freezing. However, we also know what it's like to be in the driver's seat at a crosswalk. Here are a few of the thoughts that may run through our heads as we waddle around our beautiful campus.
1. MOOOOOOVE bitch, get out the way
When you're driving and the pedestrians LITERALLY walk so slow and go when the light already turned green... don't give ME the dirty look.
2. Hit me, I dare you
You know when you're just so over life and you just kind of walk across the street without looking...we've all been there.
Usually pedestrians are just looking down and texting as they cross the street and actually don't even look up. Do you even know how slow you're walking? At least pay attention.
4. Pay my tuition
The temptation to get slightly hit by a CATA bus or a car so they can pay for your college...not the worst idea I've heard.
5. Where the hell did you come from???
Bikes just FLY out of no where. Especially that intersection by the Spartan Statue-it'll finally be your time to turn and BOOM five bikers just skrt skrt in front of you with no remorse.
6. Oh my god I can't believe I just did that
When you slip on ice right in the middle of the BUSIEST intersection of campus and pray that nobody saw you eat shit...
7. HAHA did you see that guy fall?
When you're the car right next to the person that fell and you can't help but lose your shit. Unless you try to be a nice person like me and feel really bad and look down to pretend you didn't see because you were the one that fell yesterday.
8. RUN!
When you and your friends are going out and you're wearing tank tops and run as fast as you can in front of cars because you're actually dying inside.
9. Dude, aren't they freezing?
Those nights that you decide to stay in and go get McDonald's instead of going out, and on your way you see 8 drunk girls running around in crop tops and skirts, you just wonder...
We've all been in either position, so this may be the most hypocritical war that goes on around campus. You can quite literally take on both personas multiple times in one day, but I think we can all agree this is the real rivalry of university culture.
- Why I Miss Driving ›
- Why Wheels On Campus Are A Bad Idea ›
- Driving On Campus, As Told By Ron Swanson ›