She started her career on the best show ever as an orthopedic resident and eventually becomes the orthopedic attending. First off, all the women on this show are incredible, she's no exception. They all demonstrate the ability to work in the cut throat field of surgery. In real life, only 4.3 percent of board certified orthopedic surgeons are female (Mayo Clinic 2012). This being an especially male dominated field caused Shonda Rhimes to create a commanding female role for this position. Hence, we all fell in love with Calliope Iphegenia Torres--people with difficult full names unite-- and were heartbroken when she announced she wouldn't be returning next season.
Of all the people who have left the show/gotten killed off in horrific ways (RIP literally 3/4 of the cast), this one hurts the most. Callie deserved more than one scene as a goodbye. Now I understand it was apparently a last minute thing after filming was done, but come on this woman changed television forever.
She represents the girls who are unapologetically themselves and dedicated to their work. She lived in the basement of the hospital to beat other people to the good cases. She dances around in her underwear and admits when she's made a mistake. She tries to save her marriage with George as we all can't forgive him for sleeping with Izzy, seriously what was he thinking? She was a relatable character who has some baggage and falls prey to McSteamy's charms. Later forming one of the greatest on screen male to female friendships of all time.
Most importantly, in a heterosexual tv world, she explores her bisexuality. She comes out to her religious dad who struggles with the idea but eventually realizes he accepts his daughter no matter what. Callie then fell for an equally lovable character, Arizona Robins. Their relationship played out on one of the most watched tv shows in America while everyone was trying to decide how they felt about homosexuality. Callie was a complicated, authentic women who loved men and women and refused to apologize for it.
Callie appeared on 240 episodes of Grey's making her the longest running queer character in T.V. history. She deserved more than simply reaching a custody agreement with Arizona and running off to New York to find Penny. Maybe because Shonaland has made me accustomed to shootings, buses, cancer, and other tragedies. Considering all Calliope Torres has done for us, I feel she deserved more.
So why did she leave us in this way? I'm guessing actress Sara Ramirez learned a thing or two from her flawless character and decided it was time for a change. She most likely came to the conclusion that it was her life and she has bigger and better things ahead of her. Comfort and familiarity is good, but it doesn't always challenge you to grow. I personally can't wait to see what she does next.