If you don't know or haven't heard of the new Pokemon Go game, than consider yourself lucky. It seems as though the whole country is talking about the newest game and recreating childhood memories.
Pokemon was very popular in the late 90's, 1996 to be exact, and remained popular until the early 2000's. There was the television show, trading cards and other hackies that we all begged our parents to buy for us.
Pokemon has risen from the dead, if you will, with the release of their newest app, Pokemon Go and everyone is going completely nuts over it. You can catch, battle and train these virtual creatures. Pokemon can appear anywhere and you simply pull out your phone and throw a Poke ball to catch them.
I for one, have made fun of everyone who is playing this childish game and running around like idiots with their phone in their hands trying to catch Pokemon. To be fair in my criticism, I downloaded the app on my iPhone to see what the big deal was and I was unimpressed and didn't understand the craze for many reasons.
We spend too much time on our cell phones as it is. Isn't everyone always saying how we need to put our phones down and enjoy the world that is happening around us? This app proves that we are and continue to be slaves to our electronic devices. Instead of enjoying the company of your friends and family, you are too busy running around like an idiot chasing after Pokemon. For what? To gain more points and advance to the next level?
I have never been one to understand the popularity and addiction to cell phone games such as Candy Crush and now, Pokemon Go. The fact that a population can get so wrapped up into a virtual game is beyond me.We are so wrapped up in joining in on the newest fad or fitting in with what the majority of the population is doing that we forget there is more to our lives and the world than what is in front of us.There are tragic events that are happening all over the world almost daily but the only thing I see when I open up the internet is something about Pokemon Go. There are protests, people being shot, terrorist attacks and wars being fought all over the world.
We need to get off of our phones and stop thinking of just us and really focus on what is going on and how it is going to affect us and the future generations.
This isn't just about playing a game, this is about becoming unaware of the world around you. There are much bigger problems happening in our world today than whether or not you caught your Pokemon. So put down your phone and pay attention to the world around you.