As I'm sure many of you have seen, there is a man going around and asking Trump supporters about why they are voting for Trump, why they hate Obama, but although that video was meant to piss off republicans and strengthen liberal views, it's not just Trump supporters who are uneducated on some topics. There are democrats who also have no idea what is happening in the political race right now.
Who are we to say who's right and who's wrong? Sure, Trump and his supporters are seen as ignorant, racist, and uneducated, but on the other hand Hillary is corrupt and lies about everything that she does. Some of you may know that there is a third party and they have been making great strides. Little is known about the green party so far, but we do know that they have a four pillar system that they base their party decisions off of. The four pillars of the green party are peace, ecology, social justice, and democracy. This party is a more peaceful movement and maybe that is exactly what America needs.
As I was watching the debate on Monday, September 26th, I realized a few things. The first one being that America is in a lot of trouble. Watching the debate was like watching two children argue over who gets to play with a toy. Trump kept interrupting Hillary, Hillary lied in her statements as I'm sure Trump did as well and both came off as unprofessional. I thought debates were where we watch and learn about the presidential candidates potential ideas for our country, but instead it turned into what seemed like a WWE fight except with words instead of fake fighting.
Why can't we be taking this seriously, America? I waited so long to vote and these are the cards that I'm dealt with? The thing that we as Americans need to understand is that they have no power unless we give it to them. "We the people" has lost its meaning. We were meant to form a "more perfect union" and here we are in 2016 with phones that can do almost anything, self parking cars, space travel, and yet we still do not understand politics. It's embarrassing as the rest of the world gets to watch our struggle.
Why is it not a red flag that other countries are actually putting aside territory for Americans to flee to if Donald Trump is elected president? Why is it not a red flag that Hillary Clinton deleted hundreds of emails and is still allowed to run for president? Is this just one big joke? Has America become one big joke?
I was taught politics in high school, but clearly one class is not enough for some. I believe that we need to get more educated as a country when it comes to politics. Right now the only thing we can do is grit our teeth and hope for the best. Wake up America.