In tales as old as time, and tales born in the new age, the plot unfolds around an orphaned or unlikely hero. We all love our hero’s. Everybody loves the person who overcomes huge obstacles, to give us the classic stories we have today. However, the main character is not the only hero. The real heroism usually lies in the hands of our hero’s beloved sidekicks. In Star Wars: A New Hope, Luke is an unlikely hero called to assist Obi-Wan in helping the princess. During the journey, Luke and Obi-Wan meet a space cowboy by the name of Han Solo. Han Solo is the witty, western character who spices up the plot with his charismatic ‘bad boy’ act, all the while being the good guy. Han Solo is an unlikely friend of Luke, but gets closer to him as the movie goes on. Han becomes a trusty companion to Luke, as Luke’s sidekick. A hero’s companion or right hand man is a universal theme in literature and movies. These sidekicks are in no doubt, the real heroes of the tale by facing each challenge the hero does, staying by the hero’s side even though rejected at times, and achieving the goal at the end by staying sane and keeping the hero sane.
A hero’s companion is the real hero because they face each challenge the hero does. The companion goes on the journey with the hero, facing each stage of the typical twelve-steps, which is called the hero’s journey. The companion even goes through some of the self-realizations the hero goes through. In Solo’s case he starts off as an impulsive, arrogant smuggler. Going through the journey alongside Skywalker, Solo realizes he doesn’t have to steal to make a living. It started off as payment for Jabba, to fly Skywalker and his crew. As time moved on, Solo ended up in the heat of the rebellion. Even after trying to leave, he returned to help Skywalker destroy the death star. He was a major part of the first big win for the Rebels. Throughout Solo’s loyalty to Skywalker, he changes into a hero himself. In turn, his act of heroism is indeed staying loyal and facing each obstacle alongside of Skywalker.
Throughout the hero’s journey the hero always faces a dark moment and rejects the companion. However, the companion always stays. This moment is after failing at a mission or loosing something dear to them. This moment is characterized by the hero battling internal demons and determining their self-worth. They will have to acknowledge the darkness inside of them and have to make the choice to stay on the good side. In Star Wars this acknowledgement of inner-darkness is when Skywalker finds out that Darth Vader is his father. After this, Skywalker struggles with if his soul is evil or good. Through his struggle, and like always, he distances himself from everyone close to him. This happens to all the heroes, and all of them reject their companions at one point or another in the story. Even through this rejection the companions maintain his/her composure and stays by the heroes side. This common event is seen very clearly in a popular novel J.K. Rowling. When the main character, Harry, finds out he has a part of the evil Voldemort inside of him. He begins to question whether he himself is good or evil. In the Order of the Phoenix, this becomes evident when Voldemort is using the connection to send false images to Harry. Through this struggle and the movie Harry constantly rejects his companion Ron. Harry believes he has to make it through and defeat the battle by himself. Ron knows that Harry cannot make it on his own and even though Harry takes his frustration and anger out on Ron, Ron stays alongside Harry and in the end goes into battle with him. The companion is a hero by staying loyal even if the hero doesn’t want them to. This loyalty is a universal trait of a sidekick and one of the things that makes them the real hero.
Through the hero’s journey, the sidekick is always the one who stays sane while keeping the hero sane and reaches the end goal. The hero always has a break down. In Star Wars it’s when Skywalker loses Obi-Wan. In Mulan it was after she got kicked out of the army. It was when Maverick lost a race with the Ice Man. Frodo broke down because of the hold the Ring had over him. However, through all of the heroes breakdowns, Solo, Mushu, Goose, and Sam, all stood by calmly and kept the hero on the correct path. Each companion made a sacrifice, or confronted a challenge for their hero. By making a sacrifice or stepping in the place of the hero for a few minutes, helps progress the journey and sometimes ultimately helping the hero achieve their goal and end of the journey.
Through all the laughter and tears and through the twelve famous step of the hero’s journey, the hero could not and would not make it without a loyal trusty companion. These companions are the best of sidekicks. Their constant loyalty, bravery, and sanity are what make them the real heroes of literature. They give life to and a relief to the story.