Nowadays, our modern society has been obsessing with the term "goals," giving anything and everything they wish to achieve, whether in life or in their relationships, the label “GOALS!” But it seems that like any other word that is overused, it has began to lose its connotation. Not only has this popular term sidetracked the real meaning behind what a goal is, but it has also made a population of teenagers lose sight of making real goals. Instead, they are praising what the media portrays as a goal.
In case we forgot… What is a goal? A goal is simply something you desire and are trying to achieve, something in which effort is directed in order to obtain it. The real goals aren’t about how your matte lipstick matches your nails seamlessly or how the couple in the picture has matching yeezys. Seriously. Stop idolizing the "goals" that you constantly see on Twitter regarding makeup, designer bags and shoes. Twitter, just like majority of our social media platforms, has turned the goals spotlight to focusing on material things.
What happened to getting a degree, scoring your dream job, having a family? Who decided that these things shouldn’t be labeled goals? Now if you give me the option between on-fleek eyebrows or a career that I put effort in earning, I’ll take the real goal.
Not only are we worshiping the wrong goals, but we are lacking the pursuit of any goal to begin with. Telling our youth that your makeup is a goal makes them think that in order to be “goals,” they need only go out and buy that makeup. Same thing for relationships. Portraying a relationship as goals because of some cute pictures won’t teach teens what really constitutes a relationship or the efforts it demands. It will only cause these kids to want this significant other just to be the "goals" others want, when in reality, the cute couple in that picture could be completely mediocre. Pursuing a goal requires patience, a plan, a strategy and time. A myriad of factors have to be considered in order to pursue and reach a goal. It's not only about having the money to go out and get your goal; it's about the work and determination.
So if you’re going to be a goal-digger, make sure your goals are real rather than a counterfeit.