There comes a time in everyone's life when we need to move on from something. Whether it's growing out of a friendship, graduating from school or realizing that your favorite pair of jeans you've had since high school doesn't fit anymore. But we all know that there is no easy way to pick up and leave something you've gotten so used to.
Without movement, there is no growth. Our generation has accepted the fact that we will always be learning from our mistakes. Most Some of us finally realize that we are not perfect human beings. In fact, we are far from it. We are not done growing as individuals and honestly, we never will be. Our ability to move on is a reminder of how far we've come, and how much further we have to go.
We've only just started on the paths we think we belong on. We take life day by day because that's what we've been told to do. We've been taught not to worry about our future because the present will pass us. But here's the catch: what we do today will shape our tomorrow. The longer we hold on to negativity, the harder it will become to enjoy life's positives.
The hardest part of moving on is knowing when it's the right time to part. But unfortunately, such a perfect time doesn't exist and if anyone figures it out, please let me know.
What I do know is that we need to take risks and expand our horizons. There is a world in front of us that we have yet to experience and I fear that some will never get to. We cannot hold onto our past because it is only when we let go that we can enjoy our future.
Moving on is difficult, yes. No one said it would be easy to leave behind comfort for the sake of the unknown. The art of moving on is only finessed by one's willingness to take a leap of faith. It is with this leap that we will find the lesson's we've learned will help us soar.
No relationship or life experience is ever wasted. There are always lessons to learn from our past and it's important that we don't let them drown in our unwillingness to grow from them. We are young. We outgrow people and places as quickly as we outgrow those favorite pair of jeans. It is important to keep adding on to our resume's and challenge ourselves to branch out into unknown territory.
There are things to learn, places to go, and people to meet. Moving on does not mean "forgetting." It does not mean "abandoning." It does not warrant loss. Moving on is meant to inspire brighter beginnings that celebrate wide open doors and new possibilities.
Armed with the lessons learned and the bridges built from our past, we can step into a bolder and brighter future with ease. And so, my friends, I encourage all of you to move onto something greater than yourself. Cut ties that may be holding you down and thank those who have helped you grow to the person you are proud of today. Do not burn bridges and do not lose faith. Our futures are what we make of them. It is time to move onward and upward.