Your 20s are hard, no doubt. At what point do you realize you cannot stay in school forever, and that sometimes, while it may be easier, it's not ok to not have a plan?
I know that this opinion of mine is very rare and that many people don't like to think this way. I've always gone through life dreaming of a career and a house that would put Oprah's to shame. I am very career oriented, and I understand everyone is not like that. But having a plan in life is somewhat necessary. You can't spend life in college, doing 17 victory laps and graduate with a liberal arts and a philosophy degree. When you're in college you need to spend your time wisely. Yes, have fun, get hammered on a Tuesday, but kick your hangover's ass and show that calculus test who's boss. There needs to be a balance. After all, you're spending roughly $20,000 at SUNY Brockport, who knows what you're spending elsewhere.
Save money, and I mean it. I'm lucky that I have parents who made me split my paycheck this summer: half savings, half checking. Thank God they did, because I don't have a job at the moment, and that savings of roughly $3,000 from the summer lowers my stress more than you can imagine. When you graduate, you're going to want to move out, which costs money. You'll be really pissed if you can't afford to move out because moving your stuff costs more than you have.
Make a rough plan, like a very brief sketch of where you would like to see yourself in three years. It will help, because you can have an idea of what you want to do with your life, so you know what you need to get done in college. If you want to go to medical school, then you should probably switch from a dance major, to something a little more science heavy. But always do what interests and is right for you. Don't do what makes your parents, uncle, second cousin twice removed, or significant other happy. Your happiness is key.
My last bit of advice is to always try your best, and work your hardest. With the smallest bit of determination you can do so much, and achieve that million dollar home to make Oprah jealous.
It's scary to think like this, because everyone says its okay to goof around and not have your life figured out in your 20s. I agree that you shouldn't, and will not, have it all together by the time you're out of college, but you should have a plan. I have a small idea of where I'm going, and I feel comforted because I know where I want to end up come graduation in May. don't want to be that kid who is a cashier at a grocery store, living with mom, and picking up milk every night. Plan your life so you can make the most of your life.