Hours, minutes, seconds
Tick-tock, tick-tock
It's moving, yet it's constant
Time flies, yet it stands still
We are in a constant race against time
Trying to defeat it
With our new inventions that make us feel new again
Trying to visit the past by thinking about the future
We want to look twenty-one again
We want to feel like a kid again
We want to go back to our old habits
And tell ourselves “it’s okay, we are still young”
We want to go back
Some of us want to go back because we miss a part of ourselves
A part that seemed more simple – less complicated or stressful
Some of us want to move forward
Time travel to the future
A fabricated future
Because we don’t know how it’s going to turn out; we could only hope
We are trying to keep up with the latest trends, with the latest fashion
We constantly trying to keep up
We are in a constant race against time
Then we stop, because we realize that life is too short
Too short to do everything that this world does in its lifetime
Unlike this world, we do not live for centuries
Within the next minute, hour, day, or week
We can run out of time
It’s because of this,
We are in a constant race against time