Ask any woman who they look up to and all her answer will probably be different. Ask any woman what she thinks it takes to be successful, and her answer may become a bit more similar. It takes certain characteristics to be a woman that is looked up to and admired. These aren't things we are born with or that develop overnight. The characteristics of a powerful and successful woman take time to groom and grow as well as nurtured into her by her parents and loved ones. The characteristics of a successful and powerful woman are as follows.
This comes in many forms and fashions. The self-control to not bite back at another person who is verbally attacking you. The self-control to not tear others down in the pursuit of making yourself look or feel better. The self-control to not quit a job that is tough or challenging. The self-control to not say everything you think or do everything you want.
Obviously, there are a million more applications of self-control and many of which are increasingly difficult such as the self-control not to click, "play next episode" on Netflix when you know you have other things to do, or the self-control not to give up and leave a spouse or a partner just because things have gotten difficult. It's easy to justify to not using self-control, but to be a woman of power and success, it is vital.
This one is tricky; moderation is different for all people, but I believe we can all see the use in the principle. Moderation is learning to not be extreme. Many of us will immediately say that we are very moderate people and have no problem with this; I ask you to look closer at your life. Do you use your phone or social media in moderation? Are you moderate with the amount of fast food or fried food you eat? Are you moderate with the time you spend with your friends verses your boyfriend or work verses your friends? Are you moderate with the time you spend dedicated to classes whether that be too much or too little?
Moderation can be a conviction point for us all as everyone has things they love to binge on. Personally, I don't moderate the amount of time I spend on my phone. I easily get caught up in Pinterest or Facebook and forget there are more important things I should do with my time that could well be spend working toward being a woman people can look up to.
Unapologetic confidence.
Confidence is a difficult word in our culture. It has a bad reputation as relating to stuck up people that think they're better than you. But confidence is "the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something; firm trust" or "a feeling of self-assurance arising from one's appreciation of one's own abilities or qualities," according to Google. Did you catch that first part? Can you rely on yourself?
That is confidence; trusting yourself and your abilities. It doesn't mean you think highly of yourself or think your better than other people, it means you trust yourself. The unapologetic part comes when you aren't afraid to show the world that you trust yourself. That you won't apologize for knowing that you can achieve great things. It's being proud of your talents and abilities because they are a gift and they are what make you the unique, wonderful person you are. Unapologetic confidence is easily lost in a world full of egotistical or self-doubting, insecure people.
Success isn't measured by how much money you make, the car you drive, or how many friends you have. Success is measured by the effect you have on the environment around you. That can be your work, your family, your friends or the literal environment or politics. When it no longer matters to you if the world approves of who you are and what you do and you use moderation and self-control throughout your life, you are on the track to becoming a successful, powerful and well admired woman. I believe we all have the capabilities to master these qualities if we put our minds to it, and are dedicated in the pursuit.