"Your passion must come from the things that fuel you from from the inside." -Randy Pausch
We live in a society that kills passion because if your passion does not make you money than it is simply not a passion worth having. When did we get like this? Was our society always this way? When did we become a society that feeds off of negative vibes to one another? These are the questions that burn through me when people make others feel as if their passions do not matter, because they do. Maybe we have always been a materialistic society that feels the need to break down others, but I am here to say: Passion is the only thing that matters. It make life worth living.
We bash teachers even though their passion is to educate, we bash the painter who wants to color the world, we bash those who have a passion in saving the world simply because it seems like it is a waste of time, and we bash the parents who want to be stay at home parents, because their passion is their children. Our passions do not have to follow a certain path or criteria. Passions are what feed our souls and set a fire within us.
Personally, I feel the world would be a much better place if we were more of a passionate society. Having a passion and being able to fully commit to it makes people happier. A passion fills us up and makes us whole even when we feel that we are empty. I believe our passions make us who we are. Our passions show us what is important to us. Our passions are what bring us together when the world works so hard to divide us. Our passions are what make us, us. We should embrace these passions and if we lack them we should find them.
I feel like you can tell a lot about someone's character from their passions and what they fight to be good at. I think there is a beauty in finding out what people care about. You can fall in love with a stranger by understanding their passions and that to me is so incredibly empowering. So why do we fear our passions? Why do we fight for a reason to put our passions on the back burner to live up to what people think is acceptable? Is it society? Is it our own fears of failure? Is it we feel we are not talented enough? Do fears keep us from living out our passions? Never allow fear to stop you from finding what makes you happy. Life is simply too short to have a meaningless life. So find your purpose, your drive, your inspiration, your passion or whatever makes you smile. I believe allowing yourself to be passionate about things will also allow you to be passionate about life.
The world lacks passion so never be afraid to show the world what you are passionate about. The world needs people who love something. Rarely do we discuss love but hate seems to be a topic always on the tip of our mouths. I believe that comes from lack of a passion. Even if you passion seems small it is something that defines who you are. The beauty with passion is it is never too late to find one and you do not have to have just one. Fall in love with as many things as possible. Let your passion color this dark world. Passion is a powerful thing.