I am currently the proud owner of a very dirty apartment. Why is this important? Why does this matter? I have spent the last few weeks so busy that I only use my home as a place to sleep. I haven't had time to breathe, let alone clean. If most people saw the things I accomplish in a 24 hour day they would be amazed. It is not only me, every person in college that is active understands where I am coming from. Having my home dirty is not pleasant. For the last six days I have walked in made a comment about cleaning, then soon leaving for another obligation. I am currently so drained, and worn out that the last thing I want to do is clean.
What I am try to get a crossed is we all have that one thing we put a little less effort in when we are overwhelmed. It normal is the same thing every time too. Whether it is a your relationships, your school work, social life, or something like letting your home become a dirty mess. Taking time to clean your "dirty apartment" whatever it may be is important. I know life is busy and hard. I am a full time student, sorority woman, and a proud member of 7 other organizations. I do not have "free time", and when I do it is because I forgot to do something.
Your home and the other things that are not getting your attention that should be says a lot about you. We all rank thinks by importance, and to the most important first. If the things that are getting left behind are truly important maybe you would implement times to do it, or take on less. This week I officially decided that Sundays are saved for church, cleaning, and chapter. My three C's that only happen on Sundays.
If it is a relationship with a significant other, maybe implanting a date night every so often would work. If you need to take time to work on school have someone force you to study dates, and be motivator for scholarship. There are solutions to your problems, but compromise is key. Maybe instead of going back to your hometown, you stay to work on sleep. Get creative, and know that if things are important they deserve attention too.
Being busy is okay, but time management is extremely important. Know your limits, and know when it is okay to say NO. I urge you to take a step back to notice what is your "dirty apartment". You can not fix the issue until you know it is an issue.