If you read the previous article I wrote, We Can't Let Trump Win, it is no surprise that I was not satisfied with the outcome of the election. Following the results, I have become overwhelmed with thoughts.
Due to the lack of comprehensible thoughts I have to share with you all the week, I've decided to instead share a collection of photographs that I took last night at a Trump Protest in Austin, Texas. While the initial reason I went to this protest was to document it, the protest ended up being something even more. I'll be honest, since the election results have come out, I've felt less secure with expressing myself and being open about the beliefs I have. Being surrounded with people that do not agree with Trump or his beliefs put me in a safe place. I left the protest with a better attitude towards myself and a realization that I don't need to put myself in Trump supporters shoes because those are NOT my beliefs. I refuse to stand for those beliefs and I am allowed to be me. I've been looking for a release since the election results were announced and I think from this peaceful protest experience I was able to get that release I needed. Below are the photographs that I took last night - which I hope you all enjoy. I encourage you all to not let your voice go unheard, though please remember to spread love instead of hate. I leave you with this statement of mine: I am a woman. I am bisexual. I am a minority. I am me and I refuse to be quiet about the beliefs I have and of who I am.