You hear it over and over again: "What do I watch next?" Since Netflix is only about $5 or $6 a month, thousands of television shows and movies are readily available to many at the click of a button. We've all binge-watched shows and spent socially unacceptable amounts of time on Netflix before. While having live-streaming is a good idea in terms of technology, for some it can prove too much of a distraction.
Statistics show that one out of every four American households has a Netflix account. The popularity of Netflix continues to grow every day as more and more teenagers beg their parents to sign up (including me, the one who mooches off all my friends' accounts). Parents often give in, assuming it will be a nice reward for students to watch their favorite TV shows after a long day at school, with many parents often enjoying watching movies themselves. While Netflix can be a nice way to relax, problems can arise if students abuse this reward. How many times have you decided to ditch your homework and catch up on the latest season of your favorite show? Probably too many times to count. This is in part due to the accessibility of Netflix; it can be easy for people to shirk their studies because any movie they want to watch is available to stream within seconds.
Netflix also may contribute to antisocial behavior if people choose it over enjoying the company of others. Conversely, Netflix can bring people together (Netflix and chill, anyone?). Netflix stimulates a wide variety of conversations between classmates. Many people can make friends from having interest in a common show. Perhaps like any good thing it must be used in moderation. So, if you choose to enjoy Netflix, be sure to manage your time wisely.