Pro: They know you better than anyone else.
Dating your best friend means that they will know you like the back of their hand. They’ve memorized the way you chew your lip when you’re being pensive. They know when you’re about to break down crying just from the way you’re holding your breath. They’ve memorized your Starbucks order and your favorite ice cream flavor. Over time they’ve learned everything there is to know about you. They’ve seen the silly dance you do when making dinner. They’ve seen you completely fall apart at 2 a.m. They’ve seen the best of you, the worst of you and all of the pieces in between.
Con: You have no one to complain about your significant other to.
Perhaps they left their dirty dishes in the sink or were late to your coffee date. Whatever the reason, our significant others can drive us crazy sometimes. Unfortunately, you don’t have a best friend to call and complain to because they're your best friend. So instead you have to grit your teeth and let it go.
Pro: You can’t wait to tell them about your day.
Whenever I see something that makes me smile the first thing I think is, “Wow, I can’t wait to tell him about it.” Getting to unwind at the end of the day and just talk is therapeutic. Whenever you have a bad day at work you can just go to them and complain about the annoying girl who never seems to be doing her job right. If you see a funny cat video, you bookmark it to show them later. You love getting to share your story with them, and you love hearing their's even more.
Con: “Netflix and chill” doesn't exist.
It’s more like “Netflix and shut up this is my favorite part” or “Netflix and stop touching me I’m starting to get hot." You’re always arguing over what to watch next (if you ever need a suggestion though, we recommend "Orange is the New Black").
Pro: They’ve become a part of the family.
They text your siblings regularly and hang out with your family even when you’re not home. They’ve been added to your family group chat and take your sister to ballet when she can’t get a ride. They’re expected at family gatherings, mostly because everyone has accepted that the two of you come as a set.
Con: There is no such thing as personal space.
Even though the two of you swore that you’d never be the type of couple that poops with the door open, somehow you still ended up there. Even better is when they text you after they’ve done it, just to let you know how well it went for them. They wipe the toothpaste off the corners of your mouth and pop your pimples for you. Gross, I know, but someone has to do it.
Pro: They always have your back 100 percent.
Dating your best friend is like having your own cheerleader 24/7. They go to all of your speeches and awards nights. They proudly post your achievements on social media. They remind you every day how proud they are of you. Sometimes they’re the only person who believes in you. It's their constant love and support that keeps you going even when you feel like you’re running on fumes.