Do you have four classes scheduled back to back? Do you brown bag your lunch? Are you carrying a bag big enough for a weekend trip? Have you mastered the art of sleeping in public places such as the library? If you said yes to any of these questions, then you may be a commuter student!
But what does it really mean to be a commuter? Stay tuned for a pros and cons of not living on campus from a true commuter.
Pro: No RAs or parents.
Finally, you don't have anyone to answer to about blasting loud music or throwing a raging party or not cleaning your room for 3 months (though you should probably get on that! You have complete freedom over what you do and when you do it and no one breathing down your neck about it.
Con: You have to answer to the landlord.
Complete freedom also means complete responsibility. Mommy and Daddy can't save your butt anymore. If you break the ceiling fan you have to call your landlord and you have to pay up for it. If the cops get called when your little get together gets out of control, you're the one the cops are going to be talking to.
Pro: You have a getaway from campus life.
Sometimes being on campus can seem like being in a bubble. You see the same people and eat at the same places, day in and day out. But when you live off campus, you can get out of the bubble and escape, even if it is just a little bit.
Con: Getting to class takes more than 5 minutes.
Waking up for an 8 a.m. class is hard enough, then add in your commute time and that alarm becomes just way too early. Late night study sesh with some classmates? Driving home at midnight when you're already exhausted seems never-ending. Don't even get me started on parking on campus. I think some days I've spent more time looking for a parking spot than actually in class. Not to mention the possibility of getting in an accident... let's just say, my junior year I spent Easter break car shopping.
Pro: You aren't chained to eating the cafeteria food for pretty much every meal.
Cereal, again? Going to a small school, you don't really have many options when it comes to on campus dining services. The options that you do have are not all that great. The chefs try, they really do, but with the budget they have they can't do much. So, having a full sized kitchen at home makes food good again, that is if you know how to cook a little. With the Internet, there is no excuse for not knowing the basics of how to cook for yourself. I mean between YouTube and Pinterest you could be the next Top Chef.
Con: You have to lug everything you need, including your lunch, around all day.
I'm a grazer. I like to snack throughout the day, particularly when I'm bored in class. But with commuting, I schedule all my classes together, so I'm not driving back and forth all day. That means I have to have all the food I'll want for the day with me in the morning. I seriously look like someone from The Grapes of Wrath walking around campus some days. One of my days this semester I have to carry 3 or more textbooks around with me and enough food to last me from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. It's rough y'all. I'm considering getting a rolling book bag again.
Pro: It's easier for your family to visit whenever they want.
They can crash on your couch instead of having to get a pricey hotel. They will probably even bring you food and maybe even clean your place a little for you. After being away from home for months, it is really nice to spend some quality time with your parents.
Con: It's easier for your family to visit whenever they want.
You know that saying "we put the fun in dysfunctional"? Yeah not so much for my family. I mean you did go to school away from home for a reason right? Yeah Mom and Dad are great, but there is such a thing as spending too much time with someone.
The decision whether to live on campus or commute is a big, scary one. No matter what you choose there are going to be things you really don't like about it. But don't worry, most leases are only for 12 months.