For all of my foodies out there that have a food allergy problem,
I feel you. Any allergy whether it be peanuts, whether it be seafood, or even an intolerance like lactose or gluten, it sucks. It's the worst feeling ever, unless you don't like the food or foods you are allergic, because in that case, awesome job to your body for not liking that food! I however, am lactose intolerant, and that's a major problem because I LOVE cheese. I LOVE IT. I love it like it's my own child. And I'm not supposed to have it. But you know what? I eat it anyway, and refuse to take the lactose pills because they say they taste like vanilla ice cream. All of the lactose intolerant people out there will understand when I say that they taste NOTHING like vanilla ice cream and taste more like that white chalk your elementary teacher used to write the vocab on the blackboard with. DISGUSTING. But there are some treats that come along with being lactose intolerant. I know, I did just say that.
So here's to my guys and gals who can't drink milk:
There's good and bad things with being lactose intolerant. I know it might not seem like there is, but there is.
We all know the main bad thing about being lactose intolerant.
We have to limit, or knock out any food items with lactose entirely.
That means all milk, yogurt, pudding, ice cream, mac and cheese, cheese in general, and the list goes on. Many of us aren't fully intolerant and all we have to do is just limit our intake of dairy which is sad, but it could be worse. We could be like those people who just can't have it in general. Thank the lord we aren't like them. But with that, we do have some consequences if we choose to eat dairy.
We will be in a lot of pain.
I'm talking stomach pain to the point where you are balled up on your bed wishing you didn't have that sixth slice of pizza after the ice cream sundae you just ate at your friend's birthday. Too late. Now you just sentenced yourself to about two hours on the toilet and a lot, and I mean a lot of air freshener spray.
There are some good things that come with being lactose intolerant too, and some you wouldn't expect.
It's like an instant laxative.
No coffee needed. If you know that you have to go, but you can't, drink a glass of milk with a chocolate chip cookie, wait about fifteen minutes, then you're good to go!
When you are having a bad day, and so is your friend, it's okay to eat the ice cream.
That can be your treat for the week. And for the week after that. And for the week after that. But let's be honest here, we can't only have ice cream once a week, we have to have it everyday! Just be ready to be on the pot.
Out of all the allergies to have, I am happy that I am lactose intolerant. I can still have my daily dose of wonderful without ruining my stomach (rarely). It just makes for a fun moment at a birthday party when you get the toots. I hope everyone who understands love's this, and keep on eating that cheese!