To be "baby-faced" means that you look a lot younger than you actually are, which, to those who are not baby-faced, may seem to be a major benefit. If you are one of those "lucky" babyfaced people, however, you know that looking a lot younger than you actually are, has both pros and cons. Here are 12 pros and cons of being baby-faced at different ages:
1. Pro: You can legally see or buy your first R-rated movie after you turn 17 and you get to triumphantly show the ticket office or store clerk your ID when they question your age.
Con: Movie theater and store clerks will think that you are legally seeing/buying your first R-rated movie when you are 21.
2. Pro: At age 13 (or whatever age it was for you) you can finally sit at the "adult table" during large family/friend gatherings. The fact that you are sitting at the "adult table" for the first time is a big deal because you get to sit there and your cousin who is three years younger than you but looks older than you still has to sit at the kids' table.
Con: You will still be offered the kids menu at restaurants when you are 18.
3. Pro: Everyone tells you how lucky you are that you look younger and that you will appreciate it some day.
Con: You are still wondering when that "some day" will come when you are still carded at liquor stores at age 30.
4. Pro: At 21 you can legally buy alcohol in the U.S. and, even though you look like you are 16, you get to confidently march up to the cashier and prove their suspicions wrong.
Con: Each time you go a bar or liquor store you have to explain that your ID isn't fake because you are actually 21+.
5. Pro: You age better than everyone else.
Con: When you're 80 years old, you will look like a 30 year old who dyed their hair gray.
6. Pro: When you are 18 you can travel alone by plane to anywhere in the world even though you look like you are 14.
Con: Flight attendants and other travelers still assume that you are an unaccompanied minor at the age of 21. If you sit in the emergency exit row of the plane, the flight attendants inform you that you have to be 18 to sit in that row and try to switch your seat.
7. Pro: "You're 21 already?! I feel so old!"
Con: Translation - "You're 21? Wow! You look like you are 16. I guess I am so old that I don't know what 21 year olds look like anymore."
8. Pro: When you go off to college, you have the option to show high schoolers how great your college is by applying to give tours to students and their parents.
Con: When you take a group of high schoolers and their parents on the tour of your college's campus, they mistake you for another high school student.
9. Pro: When you are in college, you look like you skipped a few grades.
Con: When you and your friends are asked what colleges they go to, you are asked what colleges you want to apply to.
10. Pro: You save a lot of money on razors and shaving cream because you can't grow a full beard.
Con: When you try to grow a beard, you end up looking even younger because your beard is patchy and uneven aka your face looks like a lawn that was mowed by a drunk monkey.
11. Pro: Everyone thinks you are really mature for your age.
Con: The subtext of that is that they think you are five years younger than you actually are.
12. Pro: When you were a kid, other parents envied your parents for having child that never went through the "terrible twos."
Con: Your parents received these comments when you were six years old.
13. Pro: You are never judged when you jump into the ball pit at Chuck E. Cheese's, even at age 21.
Con: You are immediately judged when you walk into a liquor store even though you are 21.