Midterms are approaching!
Are you casually panicking yet? Trying to convince yourself that you still have time to study? Already looking into why you know this exam won't go well? Have no more fear, here's some causal reasons why this exam didn't go your way and why you can justify it. (Here's also a solid 5 minutes of procrastination)
The professor didn't say half of that would be on the exam!
Explain to me why anything we've covered in class is fair game, yet, the study guide only has a portion of the chapters on it?
You had 2 other exams to study for and this one was worth the least amount of points.
Makes sense to me. It's all about priorities!
There was a big event with your organization that you couldn't miss, so it really took from studying time.
Obligations take over and sometimes that's just life.
Work killed ya.
It's hard to be a student, it's even harder to be a student while also managing a job or two.
The exam was on a Monday.
Nothing that great can come out of a Monday.
The kid next to you was too distracting!
He chewed on his pencil and tapped his finger when deep in thought, it was honestly a disadvantage to you.
You develop a minor test anxiety when your professor starts walking around the lecture hall.
Dude, chill. I'm not cheating, I swear. I'm just sweating and suspicious looking because you make me nervous, don't kick me out.
It was a written exam and spelling is hard.
Spelling IS hard, especially when pencils don't come with autocorrect. Don't worry though, you won't know that spelling does indeed count until after your professor puts the scores in the grade book.
You walked into the exam with a lingering and important text coming.
That dreaded "Can I ask you something?" text came approximately 34 seconds before you had to shut your phone off! Why do they hate you?? Now there's no way you can concentrate on that exam. You gotta finish to see what they say.
You don't even know what went wrong because you can't tell what went right...
"I was taking the test, but it looked like it was in a different language." Happens to the best of us. Sometimes we can never be well prepared.
Best of luck on your midterms! Be sure to study and try your hardest, but rest assured, sometimes things just don't go your way.