There's a moment that everyone goes through when they first realize they have feelings. You look up at your person of interest (for the sake of this article I'm going to say a guy) and you see them differently. No longer are they just another friend sitting next to you in class, but there's a new glow around them. What.... what is this? This new light that you see them in? Welcome to the world of feelings! Here is an 8 step process of what you will feel when walk through that door. May the odds be ever in your favor.
1. Confusion
What? Why do I feel differently when I look at him. Why are my palms all of a sudden getting sweaty?! Why can't I talk normally?!
2. Realization
Is this what I think it is? Are these.... FEELINGS? I've heard about these once in book.
3. Panic
I can't have feelings! Who am I? I am not used to this! This is uncharted territory!
5. Overwhelmed
Am I... okay? Is everything going to be alright? Am I malfunctioning?
4. Denial
*Hides under covers* I don't have feelings, I don't have feelings, I don't have feelings.
5. Curiosity
But what if I do? That's alright, right? I wonder what would happen?
6. Acceptance
You know what it's totally fine that I have these feelings. Feeling are part of being human and it's a natural thing.
7. Caution
What if I mess this up, though! I need to be careful... I feel like I'm walking over an abyss.
8. Bliss
Oh wow, I can't stop smiling. I feel all warm and glowy inside! It's all so adorable.
For someone who feelings were a foreign language for, I've come to learn that they aren't all bad. It's okay to open yourself up once in awhile and see what the world has to offer, good luck!