Peter Pan Syndrome, the issue of being a child in an adult's body, is affecting so many individuals across the world. There are so many problems that arise when you have the heart of a child but you are forced to live in adulthood.
1. You realize that when you are late for work/class, you can't just fly there.
And although you have faith and trust, there is a pixie dust shortage happening right now.
2. With adulthood, you realize there are so many problems that arise that you need to deal with all by yourself.
From college loans to your love life, some things can't be fixed by just watching a Disney movie.
3. You realize that studying gets harder, and sometimes you can't find all of the answers on the Internet.
Who knew the Internet would ever disappoint you? Sometimes you have to learn the hardest lessons on your own.
4. You realize that the first person you talk to won't always be your prince or princess.
Unless you are amazingly lucky, you won't always meet your significant other by falling in love at first sight, but there's always hope.
5. As you get older, you can't eat anything you want.
Sure, ice cream at midnight sounds great when you first live on your own, but eventually you realize that you might have to stick to veggies for a while. And work out. And maybe go on a run once in a while.
6. You learn that sleep is a good thing, and it doesn't happen often.
Staying up till three in the morning seemed like such a great thing when you were younger, and now when you stay up that late it's probably because you have a million things to get done.
7. You find out that not everyone is a hero.
When you are a kid at heart, sometimes you like to see the best in people. Sometimes others do not live up to your expectations, but that is when you step in to be the bigger person.
8. You learn that you shouldn't change (that much).
Even though there are many problems while having Peter Pan Syndrome, sometimes there is a positive side. Usually when you are a child at heart, you believe that you can change the world and do great things. You can make a difference, and all you need to do is take action. So remember to do the adult things that are necessary, but also remain a kid at heart, because there are so many things you can achieve when you believe in yourself.