Politics is always a very charged topic of conversation but currently it feels like it's a little bit worse than normal. The two-party system under which we currently live in seems to have been designed to breed antagonism among the populous. Everyone thinks that the candidate they back is better and in the case of this year’s presidential election people are siding with one option they don't fully believe in because they think that the other is going to be worse.
When you think about that it's honestly a terrifying thought. People are choosing the person they want to endorse to run our nation solely based off of hatred for another person. To me personally that is a terrifying thought. Now that being said I am not a very political person; I, like everyone have my views but I don't tend to voice them. This sounds a bit strange, I know, but the fact of the matter is that when you're nation is so divided about an issue and when everyone is so passionate about their opinions, talking about it often leads to nothing more than people yelling at you about your beliefs and trying to get you to not hate their candidate.
When you place your ballot there are some things that you should keep in mind. First and foremost, there are other candidates. Just because Trump and Hillary are the two most talked about, and are the people recognized by the two major parties, it does not mean that there are the only options. This leads me to my second point--do not vote for someone you don't believe in. if you truly believe in Hillary’s message and what she stands for that is wonderful, go ahead and vote for her...but, if you only want to vote for her to keep Trump out of office and there is someone else that might do a better job than either of them you just took a vote away from them therefore lessening their chances.
Finally, wherever you live regardless of how your state usually votes go to the polls. We are fortunate to live in a country where we chose our leaders rather than having them imposed on us so you might as well exercise your right as a citizen and go out and vote--it really won't take that long. People all over the world fight wars for this privilege.