Every girl waited for the day where her boyfriend would finally say “I love you” to her. It was the point in the relationship when you knew things were getting serious. After that, you would go home and jump onto your bed, smiling, thinking about the night. You would replay the words over and over again in your head and realized you would never get tired of hearing them. A girl never forgets the first time a guy says "I love you" to her. It is one of those indescribable feelings.
Unfortunately, in today’s society saying “I love you” does not mean the same as it did in previous years. Couples say "I love you" for the wrong reasons, at the wrong times and in the wrong ways. People say "I love you" in hopes to keep the other around longer. Sometimes, they are so afraid that they are going to lose their partner that they say "I love you" in hopes of keeping them in the relationship. Unfortunately, this either scares the partner away or causes them to feel obligated to say it back and cause them to live in an unhealthy relationship based on a lie.
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People, more guys than girls, tend to say "I love you" in hopes of pursuing a sexually active relationship. There is a reason it is called “making love,” as you should be in love with the person you choose to have sex with. Just because you are in a relationship or seeing someone does not mean you are obligated to have sex with him or her. You should feel a special connection with them and know that this is not the basis of your relationship with them. "I love you" does not mean “have sex with me.” It means I want something more with you and I want you to know how much you mean to me.
People also say "I love you" at the wrong times. If someone is emotionally unstable they may say "I love you" to try to become stable. This allows them to lean on someone and know that the person will be there for them during this tough time. Long distance relationships are frequently saying "I love you" at the wrong times. These relationships undergo tremendous stress, not being able to see each other often may lead to doubts, doubts in your partner’s faith, and possibly doubts in the relationship as a whole. Saying "I love you" in a long distance relationship could be a possible way of trying to maintain your partner’s faith and interests.
"I love you" is also said in the wrong ways. People say it over text message. text message! This may be the most absurd way to profess your love for someone. A text message means nothing, it is just words written on the phone. There is no emotion behind it or any type of personal connection. People who say it for the first time over text message probably don’t mean it. If you did you would want to make it special and see your partner’s face when you do say it.
Now, this is not true for all relationships. People have different relationships with different people. All I know is that "I love you" is something special. It should be done in a special way and it should only be said when you are 100 percent positive that you feel this way toward your partner. "I love you" should mean "I love you" and not have any hidden agenda.