The arrival of warmer weather brings joy to a lot us for many reasons: no school, longer nights, less work and less clothes. However, one thing never changes as summertime rolls around each year and that is the "summer bod" fad that most ladies (and some men too) get fixated on.
If you're the person who is confident and comfortable with how they look then I am very happy and proud of you because that is not an easy thing to do, especially in society these days. Or maybe you aren't that person and are looking at yourself and thinking "man I should really start getting into shape for the summer", and that's okay too, but if you're only doing it for the summer then honestly, why even bother?
Being "focused and fit" shouldn't be a seasonal lifestyle, it should be a yearly one. I'm not saying anyone has to lose weight to live this lifestyle either. I'm a firm believer that if someone is diligent to living a healthier and clean lifestyle regardless of height, weight, or shape, then that person is very much focused and fit. However, one concept I do not understand is the fad of gaining a "summer body". If you are solely working out and trying to eat clean just to simply gain a desired figure in the summer you might as well not work out at all. Working out and living a healthy lifestyle are built on the foundation of progress and commitment. If you're only doing it to look good for a few months out of the year then the entire process itself is redundant.
"Well my goal is to lose weight this summer and become healthier so I can be more confident so how is it pointless?". It's not at all. Having a goal is essential, especially when you make the decision to commit to a healthy lifestyle. Everyone has goals, it's how you progress and become better. However, when you adapt a lifestyle for a season out of the year and then continue to go back to the same old lifestyle you had prior to the warmer months you are regressing, which is counterproductive. Living a healthy lifestyle is about progression not regression. When you lack consistency and regress simply after a few months you are essentially taking one step forward and two steps back. In the end, you are not progressing at all and are neglecting the lifestyle you desired simply because you only wanted to "look good" for the months you were most physically exposed.
Choosing to live a healthy lifestyle should not be a fad for a few months out of the year but a lifelong commitment to better both yourself and promote healthy positivity around you. If the pressure of society to become "fit and focused" in the summer motivates you, don't half ass the process. Commit to the lifestyle year round and make it a daily mindset. If you're only doing it for the summer body fad then don't do it all, because if people get to see you at your physically best then they might as well see you at your worst if you don't have the dedication to fully commit.