I feel like “this generation…” comments are almost exclusively seen as annoying. That phrase just elicits the mental image of a baby boomer complaining about his grand kids. But I feel like because of the how often that phrase is used and the negative connotation it has now, no one is allowed to criticize what this generation does and if you do you’re an arrogant, pompous hipster who is only complaining to further their differences. But that’s not the case here. I have a really big problem with my age, and this is attributed to any side or party, it just hits many people’s sensitivity. There is this inherent disdain to enjoy the company of someone with a difference opinion then you have. This is obviously very silly, but it is also incredibly dangerous. Having people constantly agreeing with you on everything, and you agreeing with them stagnates your mental growth. You might be thinking that it’s some dumb hipster mumbo jumbo but the fact of the matter is there is no way you can learn the other side and you will just stay ignorant.
People love to use “trigger” and “safe space” to a point where it is a complete joke, but I want to completely real about this: people who avidly use “triggers” and “safe spaces” cannot and will not make it in the real world. You can’t dislike someone for wanting to vote Republican just like you wouldn’t expect them to hate you for being a Democrat. The end result is, however, that both are so “triggered” by the other that they can’t associate. Doesn’t that just sound silly? Now when I say this I am kind of just inferring the other party is not being a tool about their beliefs which is perfect ground for not liking them. But being friends with someone who thinks differently is not a problem. People have done it for many, many years. Just because you cannot hold your political spite back does not mean the other party is to blame for you not wanting to be around them, it is your fault completely.
Not to mention the dangers of being surrounded by ‘yes’ men for your entire life. You will not know the other side and your intelligence will be stuck in a box. How do you expect to be an educated person if you flat out refuse to see the other side of the fence? Avidly not hanging out with Conservatives is not a badge of honor, it just shows that you do not care about furthering your intelligence. You and the people who you surround yourself with will be ignorant. It’s a kind of ignorance that isn’t by surround, background, or family life; this is ignorance that was organically formed by your closed minded ways.