To the Republicans,
As many of my friends and family know, I am a hardcore Conservative and I’m not afraid to show it or say it. However, even though I pride myself on my Conservative views and beliefs, my vote for the presidential election primary did not go to a devoutly conservative candidate, I voted for Donald Trump.
I know this may seem crazy, and many of people have a lot strong opinions about this.
It has been argued so far this election season, that Donald Trump is not the best choice for the Republicans for a number of reasons. One of those reasons is said to be because he is not the most conservative choice.
Well, that my fellow Republicans, is exactly why he actually IS the best choice;
Conservatism isn’t working.
All the Conservatives we ever vote into office, don’t do anything. All you so-called “Conservative” politicians are quick to roll over on your back for the Democrats instead of standing up for the principles you supposedly believe in.
I’m sick of voting all these Republicans, alleged “Conservatives”, into power when they don’t do anything. All you conservative politicians claim to be “Constitutionalists” and ”Conservative” and I’m sick of it!
It doesn’t matter how “Conservative” you are, if you can’t stand up for conservative values and even vote in favor of a conservative bill, your “conservative” title doesn’t mean anything to the American people.
Our entire United States Congress has been an all-Republican majority since 2014 and you failed. You didn’t get anything done to further the Republican agenda; you don’t stand up for the conservative people or the conservative philosophy; you’re a disgrace to not only conservatives, but all Republicans and the one’s who voted for you in the first place. You've had numerous tries to make it right, you've had years to act when you didn't.
I voted you in.
Conservatism isn’t working and it hasn’t been working, even when George W. Bush was in office. Conservatism hasn’t worked since Reagan and I’m sick of me, and other Republicans voting in “Conservative” “Republican” politicians with empty promises.
The Democrat politicians don’t do that, even the Democrats stick to their agendas, so why won’t the Republicans?
We see too many Republican politicians tearing each other down, tearing down their party’s presidential nominee, but what's the real goal here?
News flash: YOU are the one’s who failed the American people, the Republicans. Don’t get mad at the other guy, our Republican nominee, for taking a stand and trying to fix your mess. All those times you voted for amnesty and gun control and abortion, and now you're mad a Republican comes along and actually wants to stick to the philosophy?
We need someone who will actually take action, who’s not afraid to stand by their beliefs even if the media and other people butcher them. Conservatives and Republicans alike need to band together and vote for someone who can make a difference because we are sick of lies; we're sick of failure. If there is one thing we all can agree on (yes, even you Trump-haters), it’s that Donald Trump isn’t afraid to express his beliefs and opinions; that is what Conservatives need! Far too long the Conservative’s wants and needs have been overlooked in the government, so next time you want to get mad at Donald Trump for trying to make a change, think about what you did, or failed to do, in the first place. Think of all the people in your own party that you've failed to represent.
And for all the Republicans who say Trump isn't "Conservative" enough;
Maybe it's easy for many you to ignore the Republican's politicians lack of action because you didn't want to vote last election, because it "wasn't a presidential race". Maybe it's easy for you to hate Trump because you have no idea how our "normal" Republican politicians act, or fail to act in congress.
This is your chance. Look at what our conservatives have failed to do; Look at our congress; Look at our country.